Tuesday, July 30, 2013

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Monday, July 29, 2013

Jasa Pembuatan Akun Google Adsense Murah

Jasa Pembuatan Akun Google Adsense Murah

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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Railway chairman: People in Canadian city 'wanted to throw stones at me'

Lac-Megantic, Quebec (CNN) -- Edward Burkhardt said he tried to get the people of Lac-Megantic, Quebec, to hear him, to try to understand that he had traveled to their town because he genuinely cared, he told CNN in an exclusive interview Thursday.
The 74-year-old chairman of Montreal, Maine & Atlantic Railway wanted to answer any questions from officials and hear people out about the anguish they feel after a driverless train carrying tank cars oil rolled out of control, exploding in an inferno.
As of Friday night, 28 people were confirmed dead -- up from 24 earlier in the day -- Quebec coroner's office spokeswoman Genevieve Guilbault said.
Quebec Provincial Police Capt. Michel Forget had said a day earlier that about about 30 more were still missing. The blaze may have vaporized victims, authorities said.
Burkhardt expected that he'd face raw emotions, but was surprised that so much anger was directed at him.

"I'd been told about it. I'd been warned about it," he said. "But it was worse than I thought. I thought people would respond to my willingness to come there. I mean, they were screaming about how I took three days to get there."
The tragedy occurred Saturday. Burkhardt arrived in Lac-Megantic Wednesday.
"Well, the three days we had a dozen people on the scene and I was organizing all kinds of things that were necessary," he said. "And I figured I didn't really need to be in the way of people there when they were trying to put the fire out and that sort of stuff.
"I would wait till the dust settled to a certain degree and then I would come. That's what I did, but this was not well-received at all."
On Wednesday, two middle-aged men shouted at Burkhardt as he spoke with reporters, calling him an obscene name and challenging him to walk into the heart of the tragedy.
One of the men, Pierre L'Heureux, told CNN he knew at least half the people who were dead or missing.
"They should put that guy in prison," L'Heureux said. "He's a murderer ... he should be in prison."
"People wanted to throw stones at me. I showed up and they threw stones. But that doesn't accomplish anything," Burkhardt told CNN said.

Graphic: Runaway train devastates Canadian town
Attempts to set up meetings with city officials and rescue workers were unsuccessful, he said.

"I failed with all that," he told CNN. "They were too busy. They didn't want to meet."
His visit to the town was "designed to get a healing process under way," he said, but he was misunderstood.
"Maybe I didn't present my case very well. But I'm not a communications professional. I'm a manager."
The executive with more than 50 years in the railway business told CNN that he could get "quite emotional" talking about the train disaster.
"They talked about that I had no empathy, or no sympathy, and in fact I have plenty," he said. "I can imagine myself being in that kind of situation and I also would be grieving and I'd be very unhappy. I'd be very mad about the whole thing so I certainly understand the need to vent. But it comes a point where it's totally unproductive."
Burkhardt told CNN that that is why he has decided not to return to Lac-Megantic on Thursday. CNN spoke to him in Sherbrooke, an hour and a half outside Lac-Megantic, the closest area with an available hotel room.
"I'm willing to come back (to Lac-Megantic) at a later date when maybe things are a little calmer, a little more settled down," he said.
CNN asked the railway executive what he believed was the cause of the disaster.
"Well, there's no question that it's a brake failure on the train. The train rolled away. That speaks for itself, doesn't it?" he answered. "There's no sugarcoating that."
"What caused the brake failure is a bit complex it's more than one factor," he continued, saying that the company is still "trying to pull all the pieces together on that."
Burkhardt has said that the train engineer reported to railroad managers that he set 11 hand brakes on the train cars before they broke away from their engines. On Wednesday, the executive said he felt "it's questionable" whether the engineer indeed did that.
"Our general feeling is now that is not true," Burkhardt said Wednesday, adding that the engineer had worked for the MM&A for "many years" and "had a completely clear safety record up until Saturday."
Police: Evidence criminal act may have led to train crash
On Thursday, the railway executive told CNN that the engineer is suspended, and Burkhardt has not spoken to him.
"The investigation is continuing, but if we decide to bring internal charges against the engineer he's entitled to a full and impartial investigation with his union at his side," Burkhardt said. "We're -- he's got a big problem on his hands and we're not trying to make that worse for him personally."

Another Demba Ba Other Muntari

Hundreds of Newcastle United fans singing energetically in a part stands St James Park Stadium, when his side face Manchester United in January 2012. "Demba scored 16 goals since Ramadan, and it seems like he has not been satisfied," so roughly one line of the lyrics.
In another match, the fans sang the lyrics repeating. Only the number of goals they change-change every piece of lyric is repeated. Until they sang, "Demba scored 20 goals during Ramadan, and it seems he has not been satisfied." Then they added the lyrics to "dddd dd dededddd ... dddddd .. dddd ... Demba. "if previously only pat hands, jump up and jingkrakkan supporters at the end of the song.
The chorus lyrics often they sang together wherever they like. While traveling on the subway to get to the stadium, on the streets, especially in the stadium.
Demba Ba is one Muslim player ever play at Newcastle United, before joining Chelsea. His background was inspired fans to make special chants in his honor.
At Newcastle, Demba indeed openly expressed worship did not want to leave his fast during Ramadan, even if power is needed on match day. The principle is simple. "If I play bad, just pull out of the field."
Gratitude, Newcastle United fans do not mind. They still see the French-born striker who chose to defend the Senegal national team, remains sharp and energetic.
In fact, at the beginning of his arrival at Newcastle manager Alan Pardew was criticized as a slow player look good start to the season. "In my view, it was because of Ramadan," he said. The beginning of the Premier League season in 2011 coincided with the month of fasting.
His first goal of the season was not created during Ramadan. New Ba successfully break the opponent's goal against Blackburn Rovers on 24 September 2011, nearly one month after the holiday.
But beginning next season, which coincides with the month of fasting, Demba Ba did not take long to gain sympathy. In the first game to face Tottenham Hotspur, Demba scored the opening goal that brought victory Black-White squad was ahead 2-1. His goals continues to flow after that.
The sweetness of sympathy from fans finally felt Demba. Moreover, the attitude was contagious Magpies fans at Chelsea fans, the club are now defended. London Blue supporters also have special chants for Demba Ba, who praise her religious background.
"He prayed five times a day, and play for Chelsea," so a fragment of the lyrics.
Other Ba, the fate of three other players Frankurt FSV, Pa Saikou Kujabi, Coulibaly and Oualid Mokhtari. Clubs angry knowing that three players secretly fasting when the match was held.
As a result, all three are letters of reprimand. But the events of 2009 that made football authorities in Germany tried to find a solution in consultation with a number of Muslim leaders in Germany.
Finally in 2010, the German Muslim Central Institute issued a fatwa that the players who play in the professional league should not fast during Ramadan. And they can be replaced at any other time when there is no match.
The coaches and the clubs in Europe are made anxious by Ramadan. In view of those who are less happy to see the players remain abstinent, actions to avoid eating and drinking will have a negative impact on the players stamina. Though the players need to carry the league maximum energy that goes with high blood pressure.
When coached Inter Milan, Jose Mourinho linked unsatisfactory appearance Sulley Muntari, with fasting. Ghanaian was not powered to be pulled out in the 28th minute when Inter drew 1-1 against Bari. Mou assume Muntari played poorly because he was fasting. This comment had received criticism from the leaders of Islamic organizations in Italy. But lately, Mou considers media misinterpreted his words mean.
He insists not intend to carry out the orders prohibit Muntari agamanya.Sikap Mourinho may be softer, not as strongly as Steve Bruce at Wigan Athletic coached from 2007 to 2009. Bruce asks players to select, play or fasting. Bruce's attitude makes striker Amr Zaki stealth fasting.
"He knew about my fast, but he does not allow me to compete when running fast. I choose to fast and play in a game without giving him. And I play normal without any problems, "he said, in an interview. "I fasted when we beat Newcastle 2-1. I scored one goal and all happy with my performance, "he said.

Italian police raid Asafa Powell's hotel room

Italian police confiscated unknown substances in a raid on the hotel where Jamaican sprinters Asafa Powell and Sherone Simpson were staying after each tested positive for banned stimulants.

Rooms of the athletes and physical trainer Christopher Xuereb of Canada were searched on Monday and drugs and muscle supplements were seized, Udine police captain Antonio Pisapia told The Associated Press.

Pisapia said it was unclear if the drugs and muscle supplements were legal or illicit and that the substances were being analysed.

"We are examining the substances now," Pisapia said. "No arrests have been made and nobody has been placed under investigation."

Meanwhile, discus thrower Allison Randall acknowledged that she was one of the five Jamaican athletes who tested positive for the stimulant oxilofrine at the Jamaican championships last month, along with Powell, a former world-record holder at 100 meters, and Simpson.

Randall holds the island's record for the discus throw and competed at the London Olympics. Her statement says she was "shocked and surprised" at the findings and hopes her backup sample will clear her name.

The Jamaica Athletics Administrative Association issued a brief statement yesterday saying an anti-doping management process has started for the athletes. It did not identify the two other athletes who tested positive.

Both Powell and Simpson train under Stephen Francis, a coach at the high-profile MVP Track and Field Club in Jamaica.

In an interview on Jamaican radio station HITZ 92 on Monday, Francis blamed the positive tests on Xuereb. "We are not disowning Asafa, we are just saying this relates to his personal employee. The trainer has nothing to do with MVP," Francis said.

Francis told the radio station that he told Powell to only trust people who were with him from the start.

"If you are going to sink, sink with people who were always around," he said.

The raid at the Fra i Pini hotel in Lignano Sabbiadoro in northeastern Italy came in stark contrast to the usual warm reception that the runners generally receive in Lignano, and the town's mayor, Luca Fanotto, recommended "caution" before drawing conclusions.

"The Jamaican team has chosen the sports facilities of Lignano Sabbiadoro as their training base for years and they never forget to thank the city from podiums all over the world," Fanotto said in a statement.

A local athletics meet is scheduled for today in Lignano and the Jamaicans had been scheduled to compete as they do most years. However, neither Powell nor Simpson were on start lists released yesterday.

The police captain with the specialised NAS unit added that Powell and Simpson were informed of the positive tests on Saturday morning.

The news of the positive tests for Powell and Simpson came the same day that American 100-meter record holder Tyson Gay revealed that he also failed a doping test.

Powell was the last man to hold the 100-meter world record before Usain Bolt broke it in 2008. He also helped the Jamaicans to the 4x100-meter relay gold medal at the 2008 Olympics.

Simpson won Olympic gold in the women's 4x100 relay in 2004 and silver in 2012, along with an individual silver in the 100 in 2008.

The doping positives come a month after another Jamaican Olympic champion, Veronica Campbell-Brown, tested positive for a banned diuretic.

Manchester United bids for Barcelona's Cesc Fabregas: reports

Manchester United have made a £25 million ($37.7 million, 28.9-million-euros) offer for Barcelona midfielder Cesc Fabregas, reports in the British media suggested on Monday.

Sky Sports News television, the BBC and the domestic Press Association news agency all said that the English Premier League champions were interested in signing the Spanish international.

The Press Association said that an offer had been submitted for the player, who came through Barcelona's youth academy before joining Arsenal as a 16-year-old in 2003.

Sky Sports News, however, said a potential stumbling block could be a clause in Fabregas' contract that Arsenal have first refusal should he decide to leave the Camp Nou.

Barcelona said they had no comment to make when contacted by AFP.

If completed the Fabregas move would represent new manager David Moyes' first major signing since the former Everton boss succeeded Alex Ferguson during the close season.

United, who are currently on a pre-season tour of Asia, have the cash to allow Moyes to chase "a stellar player" before the start of the upcoming season, the club's chief executive Ed Woodward was quoted as telling British media on Sunday.

According to Woodward, the Old Trafford club are "absolutely" able to compete for players in the £60 million to £70million bracket.

News of a potential offer for Fabregas emerged a day after confirmation that Barcelona had sold Spain Under-21 captain Thiago Alcantara to European champions Bayern Munich.

Fabregas graduated to become the Gunners' captain and one of their most influential players before returning to Barca in a £25.4 million, five-year deal in August 2011.

Since then he has helped the Catalan giants claim the Copa del Rey in 2011-2012 and La Liga in 2012-13.

The Ashes: Jimmy Anderson, a captain's dream, says Ian Botham

Praise has been flowing in for England's 10-wicket star, Jimmy Anderson. The Lancashire paceman overcame cramps and thwarted a valiant Australian fight back as England won the first Ashes Test at Nottingham by 14 runs on Sunday.

This was the second time in his career that Anderson took 10 wickets in a match. Anderson's (5/85 + 5/73) at Trent Bridge were his best bowling figures versus Australia in a Test match. The first time he took 10 wickets or more in a match was a 11 for 71 versus Pakistan at Nottingham in 2010.

Former England Test captain Andrew Strauss is delighted at Anderson's transformation from a bowler who just wanted to bowl fast to an intelligent pacer who has the skills of making an old ball swing. Read: Match Report

"He used to bowl quickly but not accurately and the way he's refined himself as a bowler is extraordinary. He has a lot of skills -- reverse swing and regulation swing -- and he's become the complete bowler. On top of that, he's revelled in leading the attack and that's helped his bowling," Strauss told Sky Sports.

Anderson suffered cramps before lunch on Day 5 and England were left frustrated as the last-wicket pair of Brad Haddin and James Pattinson inched their way to the finish line. But Anderson returned to remove Haddin for 71, after successfully using the Decision Review System (DRS).

Botham said Man of the Match Anderson deserved to take the last wicket. "Anderson is a captain's dream," Botham said, adding: "He used to just want to be the quickest bowler in town, he's curbed that like Richard Hadlee and learned his skills and now bowls within himself. He has great control and that doesn't just happen."

The second Test starts at Lord's from Thursday.

IPL Spot-fixing: Cops may make Rahul Dravid a prosecution witness

New Delhi:  Delhi Police officials have taken the help of Rajasthan Royals' skipper Rahul Dravid to analyse every delivery bowled by S Sreesanth, Ajit Chandila and Ankeet Chavan - IPL players accused of spot-fixing in this year's edition of the tournament. Their skipper may now be made a prosecution witness.

Dravid's statements were recorded by members of the Special Cell under section 161 of the CrPC, at his residence last week. Several other players from the franchise have also been questioned and their statements recorded.

Now, in order to file a comprehensive chargesheet, Delhi Police may make Dravid a witness in the case. It is learnt that the they are trying to file the chargesheet by the end of the current month, before Commissioner of Police Neeraj Kumar retires.

Indian and international cricket was rocked earlier this year when the three Rajasthan players were arrested on charges of spot-fixing with Delhi Police taping videos of suspected matches. The incident had created a massive furour with Dravid saying that dealing with the matter was like bereavement for him. "I would not lie it was a very tough phase for us. It was a blow to the team. It's something I have never experienced anything like it. It's like bereavement in some ways," he had been quoted as saying.

All accused cricketers - apart from Chandila - are out on bail currently.

The Hypocrisy of McConnell and Reid on Changing Senate Rules

Republicans and Democrats have done this "nuclear option" dance before.

In 2005, with 10 of President George W. Bush's judicial nominees held up over the course of 16 months, then-Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., made a bold threat. He'd use a simple majority to change Senate rules and keep Democrats from filibustering.

Democrats, including then-Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., went ballistic. Reid called the strategy "an abuse of power."

"What the Republicans came up with was a way to change our country forever," Reid said in an interview on C-SPAN in 2008.

[READ: Democrats March Closer to Changing Rules of the Senate]

In the interview, he was asked if he would ever employ the nuclear option to keep the minority for slow-rolling nominations.

"As long as I am the leader, the answer is 'No.' I think we should just forget that. That is a black chapter in the history of the Senate. I hope we never ever get to that again because I really do believe it will ruin our country," Reid said.

How quickly the tables turn.

Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., when he was the majority whip in 2005, called the "nuclear option" a way to "restore the norms and traditions of the Senate." Now, he is calling it a move that "would violate every protection of minority rights that have defined the United States Senate for as long as anyone can remember."

"Senate Democrats are gearing up today to make one of the most consequential changes to the United States Senate in the history of our nation. And I guarantee you, it is a decision that, if they actually go through with it, they will live to regret," McConnell said on the Senate floor last week.

[VOTE: Do the Senate's Filibuster Rules Have to Go?]

Republican and Democratic Senators will meet in the historic old Senate chamber Monday night to discuss their options before Reid holds a vote Tuesday on three appointments – Richard Griffin, Sharon Block and Mark Pearce – to the national Labor Relations Board; the appointment of Richard Cordray to be the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Fred Hochberg to be the president of the Export-Import Bank, Thomas Perez to be the Secretary of Labor and Gina McCarthy to be the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.

The debate to change the Senate rules is nothing new, however. It has been debated in the Senate since the 1940s. In 1975, a showdown between Republicans produced a compromise that lowered the filibuster threshold from two-thirds, or 67 senators, to three-fifths and 60 senators.

Monday, July 15, 2013

American Defense Companies Try to Break Israel's Grasp on Latin American Drone Market

RIO NEGRO, Colombia -- Drone manufacturers from the U.S. were at Colombia's biannual international aviation fair last week trying to make their first forays into the developing Latin American market for pilotless planes.

[READ: General Atomics to Sell Predator Drones to Foreign Countries]

Officials say drones could help police and the military monitor international borders and combat drug traffickers, adding that unmanned aircraft could potentially be more useful here than in the United States, because of the rugged terrain and lack of roads.

Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Chile, Peru, and Venezuela all own drones, but they aren't buying them from the United States. Most are buying UAVs from Israel, or are even getting help from Iran to build their own.

So far, the market for drones in Central and South America has been completely dominated by Israeli companies such as Elbit Systems -- which has sold its Hermes drones to Colombia -- and Israel Aerospace Industries -- which has sold drones to Ecuador and Brazil.

In fact, Israeli companies are the largest exporter of drones worldwide, outpacing the U.S., according to a recent study by consulting firm Frost & Sullivan. According to that report, Israeli drone sales totaled $4.6 billion between 2005 and 2012, with about $500 million worth of drones going to countries in Latin America.
 Israel's head start has more than a little bit to do with the U.S. government's tight controls on which countries American contractors can sell to. American companies hoping to sell drones overseas need special permission from the State Department before they can begin selling drones to foreign companies.

In 2006, the U.S. government, with the help of the Colombians, deployed drones to help rescue American hostages in the country. Earlier this year the U.S. government donated six Boeing ScanEagle drones to Colombia -- but aside from those instances, American drones have remained largely out of the picture in South America.

[ALSO: Elite Navy Units Call on Underwater Drones]

That could change soon, as General Atomics -- which makes the Predator drone -- recently received permission from the U.S. government to begin selling a modified, unarmed version of the Predator to foreign countries. General Atomics recently reached a nearly $200 million deal to sell the "Predator XP" to the United Arab Emirates. The company hopes countries in South America will soon follow suit.

"We're out marketing the exportable version of the Predator worldwide. This is a new product we think we're going to have a lot of success with," says Doug Dawson, General Atomics' director of international business development. "Israeli companies have pretty much had a lock on the market in Latin America. We're trying to get a little bit of our market share in the region as well."

Not all the big American defense contractors are ready to try selling unmanned aerial vehicles to countries in Latin America, however. Drones largely dominate American trade shows such as April's Sea Air Space show, with heavy hitters such as Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and General Atomics showing off the latest and greatest in unmanned technology. While each of those companies had representatives at F-AIR Colombia, only General Atomics was touting unmanned vehicles.
 Lockheed Martin was at the show trying to sell Colombian fighter pilots and their higher ups on the F-16 Falcon with a flight simulator and live demonstrations of the jets. Most exhibitors, including those from Latin America, were showing off manned planes and helicopters that can be used to fight drug trafficking.

But at least one other American company, the North Carolina-based UTC Aerospace Systems, sees an opening in South America. The company was advertising Vireo, its three pound, hand-launched drone.

"We're trying to take it outside the United States. We have to go through the State Department on a case-by-case basis to sell it abroad," says Ernesto Sanchez, the company's head of business development in Latin America.

[PHOTOS: Navy Launches First Drone From Aircraft Carrier]

Ironically, the company has had to turn overseas because of regulation in the United States: Commercial companies aren't allowed to begin using drones in the U.S. until the Federal Aviation Administration sets guidelines for their use, which isn't expected to happen until at least 2015.

Until then, companies such as UTC are limited to selling their drones to government agencies. Some states and cities have passed or are considering legislation that would make it even tougher to sell drones in the U.S. In Latin America, there are fewer regulations.

"A lot of people in the United States are not happy about having a [drone] flying over their heads," Sanchez says. "Here, we're seeing that a little bit, but not as much as we hear it in the United States."
Neither General Atomics nor UTC left the air show with a contract, but representatives with both companies said the Colombian fair is just the start of their plans to enter the market. Both plan to attend the larger FIDAE air show in Santiago, Chile, in March, 2014.
"We have no specific clients, but we're in the process of getting them now," Sanchez says. "We're still in the infant stages of this process."

Legal Expert: 'Little Chance' Asiana Lawsuit Will Be Successful

Asiana Airlines confirmed on Monday that it plans to sue an Oakland, Calif. television station that reported fake names for the four pilots on a plane that crashed in San Francisco earlier this month.

Airline officials told The Associated Press that the station damaged the airline's reputation when it reported four offensive names, including "Captain Sum Ting Wong" and "Wi Tu Lo," which were also displayed on an accompanying graphic during a Friday broadcast. The station says it confirmed the names with the National Transportation Safety Board, but later realized they were false. Both the TV station and the NTSB later apologized for the mix-up.

[READ: Asiana Says TV station Damaged Its Reputation]

"We pride ourselves on getting it right and having the highest of standards and integrity," KTVU's apology says. "Clearly, on Friday, that didn't happen. So again, from everyone here at KTVU, we offer our sincerest apology."

In the apology, KTVU also says the names were not read out loud before the broadcast aired, and that when they confirmed the names with someone at NTSB, they failed to ask for that person's position.

 the NTSB later revealed that the person who spoke with KTVU was a summer intern who "acted outside the scope of his authority" when he confirmed the names.

"The NTSB does not release or confirm the names of crew members or people involved in transportation accidents to the media," the NTSB statement says. "We work hard to ensure that only appropriate factual information regarding an investigation is released and deeply regret today's incident."

[PHOTOS: San Francisco Plane Crash Kills 2, Injures 181]

The pilots have already come under scrutiny as part of the NTSB investigation looking into whether there was any pilot error leading up to the crash. Just seconds before the Boeing 777 slammed into a runway at San Francisco International Airport, crew members realized the plane was traveling far below its target landing speed and tried to abort the landing, according data recovered from the plane.

The airline had already released the names of two of the pilots, Lee Kang-kook and Lee Jung-min, the day after the crash.

An Asiana spokeswoman, Lee Hyomin, told the AP Monday that the report damaged the airline's reputation. The airline has not yet determined whether it will file a similar suit against the NTSB, Hyomin told the AP.

"The reputation of the four pilots and of the company had been seriously damaged by this report," the airline said in a released statement.

But Raleigh Levine, a professor at William Mitchell College of Law who specializes in media law, says there is "little chance" that such a lawsuit would be successful.

[ALSO: Asiana Pilots Well-Rested Before Crash Landing]

The airline, Levine says, would have to prove three points: that there was false information, that there was damage to someone's reputation and that the station acted with "actual malice," which means the offending party had knowledge of the false information and acted with reckless disregard.

But proving reckless disregard is a difficult point to prove, Levine says, because the station did attempt to confirm the names. And establishing that reputational damage occurred might be an even bigger hurdle.

Plaintiffs walk a fine line when pursuing defamation cases, Levine says, because they keep the matter in

'Robert Galbraith' and the Story Behind 7 Other Famous Pen Names

J.K. Rowling, author of the famed "Harry Potter" fiction series, confirmed Sunday she had published a crime novel titled "The Cuckoo's Calling" in April, using the pen name "Robert Galbraith" which loosely translates to "famous stranger" (Robert being derived from old Germanic for "fame" and "Galbraith" being a Scottish clan named after the Gaelic word for "British foreigner").

[READ: J.K. Rowling Revealed as Writer Behind Crime Novel]

Last week, The Sunday Times of London began investigating whether Rowling had actually written "The Cuckoo's Calling" when a mysterious Twitter user suggested she had to a Times columnist who had been raving about the book.

Rowling explained in statement released by her publicist, "It has been wonderful to publish without hype or expectation, and pure pleasure to get feedback from publishers and readers under a different name," and said doing so was a "liberating experience."

The "Harry Potter" author stands on well trodden ground in opting for a pen name to publish books. Here are some other famous anonymous authors and the stories behind their noms de plume:

The Brontë Sisters/ Currer, Ellis and Action Bell

Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë used the names Currer, Ellis and Action Bell, respectively, to publish a book of poetry together in 1846. They continued to use the names when they went on to separately publish their own novels, including "Jane Eyre" by "Currer Bell," "Wuthering Heights" by "Ellis Bell" and "Agnes Grey" by "Action Bell." In 1850, Charlotte cleared up the mystery behind the names. She wrote that the sisters had used them because there were "averse to personal publicity" and that they had taken the names, "Christian" and "positively masculine," because their "mode of writing and thinking was not what is called 'feminine.' "
  Mary Ann Evans/ George Eliot

Like the Brontë sisters, Mary Ann Evans took on a male pseudonym to publish her early works. "George" she chose after the name of her romantic partner, George Lewes, and "Eliot" because she said it was "a good mouth-filling word." The success of her novel "Adam Bede" forced her to come forward and the revelation of her affair with Lewes – who was married to another woman – caused great controversy.
 Charles Dickens/ Boz
 Charles Dickens used the name "Boz" to publish his early short stories, or "sketches," as he called them. He later explained that the name came from his pet name for his brother, who he called "Moses" after a character in the "The Vicar of Wakefield." "Moses" when pronounced nasally, came out "Boses" which Dickens further shortened to "Boz."
 Charles Lutwidge Dodgson/ Lewis Carroll
 True to his methodical form, the "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" author translated his name, Charles Lutwidge to Latin (Carolus Ludovicus), flipped his first and last names, and translated it loosely back to English, to come up with Lewis Carroll. His publisher ultimately chose the name among a list of other names Dodgson offered him.
 Samuel Clemens/ Mark Twain
 Clemens played around with a number of pseudonyms, but the name that made him famous came from a familiar phrase on the Mississippi riverboats Clemens grew up working on. "Twain" is archaic way of saying "two" and "mark" a term to declare maritime depth, measured in fathoms, thus "mark twain" was often shouted to mean "the depth is two fathoms." In "Life of the Mississippi" Clemens actually credited another boat captain who would sign his dispatches to the local paper with "Mark Twain" for the idea.
 Steven King/ Richard Bachman
 Early in his career, King also published work under the name "Richard Bachman," because at the time he thought publishing more than one book a year wasn't really accepted in the publishing world. He didn't put much thought into it, King has said. When the publishing company called him asking for a name, he took "Richard" from a Richard Starks novel (coincidentally also a pseudonym) sitting on his desk and "Bachman" from a song by Bachman Turner Overdrive playing on his record player.
 Eric Blair/ George Orwell
 Though George Orwell, née Eric Blair, signed his early works and reviews with his birth name or initials, he asked his publisher if "Down and Out in Paris and London" could be published under a pseudonym, "as I am not proud of it," he wrote. Scholars take this to mean that he both feared his book might be failure, and that he didn't want to harm his family's reputation with his "down and out" antics described in the book. The publisher suggested simply "X," but Blair wanted something better that he could use again "if this book doesn't flop as I anticipate." He suggested "George Orwell" among a few others. Orwell indeed continued to use the name for his future novels, but a few days before his death, requested to be buried under his birth name of Eric Blair.

Jenny McCarthy to Join 'The View'

Jenny McCarthy will join the ladies of "The View," ABC announced Monday, taking one of the two hosting spots vacated by Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Joy Behar next season.

"Jenny brings us intelligence as well as warmth and humor," host Barbara Walters said in a statement. "She can be serious and outrageous. She has connected with our audience and offers a fresh point of view."

In the days after Hasselbeck's sudden and surprise move to "Fox & Friends," which came in addition to Behar's planned departure next month, McCarthy's name rose to the top of the list of possible replacements. She has appeared on the show 17 times, eight of them as a guest host.

[OPINION:  Keep Jenny McCarthy's Vaccine and Autism Pseudoscience Off 'The View']

Once a Playboy model, McCarthy made a name for herself hosting the hit MTV show "Singled Out" two decades ago. Most recently she had her own VH1 late night show "The Jenny McCarthy Show," which had a disappointing first season that left its fate in question. With the ABC announcement it appears McCarthy has been freed from her VH1 contract.

McCarthy's predecessor Hasselbeck, who first became famous appearing on the second season of "Survivor," was known for ruffling the other hosts' feathers with her conservative political views. But McCarthy herself is no stranger to controversy, as her views that vaccines cause autism have been met with much criticism. She will make her debut as full time "The View" host on Sept. 9, the premiere of its 17th Season

The Great Twinkie Drought Comes to an End

Hostess's Twinkies are returning to retailer shelves across the country Monday, in what the company says is "the sweetest comeback in the history of ever."

[READ: Hostess Closure Spurs Thousand-Dollar Twinkie Sales]

The cream-filled snack cakes – along with other Hostess products such as Ding Dongs, CupCakes and Ho Hos – disappeared from stores when the company filed for bankruptcy in January 2012 and then suddenly shut down in November of 2012 amid employee strikes and financial troubles. But two private companies, Metropoulos & Co. and Apollo Global Management, purchased the brands for $410 million and announced the snacks' return in March.

The company touted its return to stores as it tracked its "snack truck" route through New York City on Twitter Monday morning, with a stop at NBC's "Today" show.

Discussion of the famed snacks increased in recent days, as many consumers also took to Twitter – some expressing their excitement, and others questioning whether anyone noticed that Twinkies disappeared in the first place.

"Thank goodness, we can still get a deep fried Twinkie at the Iowa State Fair!" tweeted Sen. John McCain.

"I think I would care more about Twinkies being back in stores if it hadn't already been 20+ years since the last time I had one," says a tweet from California radio host Casey Dolan.

Still, the company's new owners said public demand prompted the return.

[PHOTOS: Extinct Foods and Drinks]

"America wanted Hostess back – they wanted the original," Daren Metropoulos, principal of Metropoulos & Co., told ABC News. "Very soon consumers will once again be able to enjoy Twinkies, CupCakes and other great Hostess snack cakes. A comeback by any other name could never be as sweet."

But the new Twinkies are slightly different from the original: The snack's shelf life has been extended by almost three weeks, from 26 days to 45 days, according to ABC News.

An although Hostess says it asked retailers not to sell the revamped snacks until Monday, some stores, including Wal-Mart and Kroger, said they stocked their shelves on Friday.

Wal-Mart had a first batch of Twinkies available in 1,600 stores on Friday, and by Sunday the snacks were available in 3,000 stores, according to CNN.

"Hostess has shipped product to every major retail customer across the country ... These shipments were coordinated to give everyone the same opportunity to display the product on July 15th," Hostess said in a statement to The Associated Press. "Hostess has not, and is not, giving any particular retailer exclusivity or preference to have products first."

[ALSO: The Twinkie Apocalypse, Averted]

Kroger, the company that owns the grocery stores Ralph's, Fry's and Food 4 Less, also said it had Twinkies stocked in about a quarter of its 2,400 stores on Friday, the AP reported.

The Bakery, Confectionary, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union said in a statement that it was interested in working with the new owners of Hostess to ensure the "long-term viability" of the products.

"Last year's demise of Hostess was due in large measure to critical mistakes made by a series of management teams that simply did not have any meaningful experience in the wholesale bread and cake baking business," said union President David Durkee in the statement. "To avoid the same fate, the BCTGM encourages the two private equity firms ... to change their approach and work with our union and our members in a cooperative manner. This is their best hope for long-term success."

Forget the car Beautiful British Artist Owned Parking Makes Splashy Media

Forgotten Artist Owned Car Parking Beautiful British Media Makes Splashy fun shopping and Effect, Elizabeth Hurley, British actress and model, must be 'lost' in his Audi car parkir.Dilansir The Sun, Tuesday, February 5, 2013, incident that occurred Thursday then during the lunch hour, where Liz - Elizabeth Hurley calls go shopping in Mayfair, London, England.
 Shopping taxable income for four jam, Liz Reported to PARKING. WHEN he was shocked Abysmal see his favorite car is not on the ADA PLACE. Sure he car worth 75 thousand pounds (R1, 1 billion) Missing. Do not think Long, Liz Directly reporting to vehicles polisi.Setelah Four Days disappeared, precisely Sunday, February 3, 2013, police found Liz's favorite car. Surprisingly, ITU car was found at the crime scene, Mayfair PARKING Land.

Alleged STRONG, car Women born June 10, 1965 ITU Not Lost stolen, BUT Forgot LOCATION parkir.Lucunya, FUNDS THE FRONT windscreens Liz artifacts Ticket payment PARKING LOT. It was only natural happening, already feel BECAUSE Liz Four-Day Losing his car.

Rules OWN PARKING in London Review Very tight indeed. Where the owners of vehicles parked his car banned for more Dari Four jam, ITU carried makn Severe penalties will be charged The ENOUGH expensive. So, can count how many bills have to be issued for PARKING Liz.

Snipers No. 1 in America Killed in Suicide

Snipers No. 1 in America Killed in Suicide - Former Sniper, sniper or sniper United States Navy, Chris Kyle, was shot dead with one more person in a gym shooting in Texas. Eddie Ray Routh, 25, allegedly killed Kyle, 38, with Chad Littlefield, 35, on Saturday afternoon at Rough Creek Lodge, 80 miles from Fort Worth, Texas. "They were shot at close range," According to a spokesman for Texas Department of Public Safety, Sergeant Lonny Haschel, told Reuters on Sunday, February 3, 2013 local time.
Kyle is one of the most lethal sniper, killed 160 people throughout his career in the Navy. Kyle wrote the book "American Sniper" which tells the military service between 1999 and 2009.

Meanwhile, the killer Kyle, Routh, who portrayed former Marine suffered Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD), had been detained a few hours after the first shooting after being chased polisi.Kyle a Special Forces community volunteers to help mentor marines who experienced trauma. "Part of this mentor, bringing veterans to gym,"
 Kyle has served in four wars, including in Iraq. He holds two silver and five bronze star for his services. Kyle was also co-authored a book which will be launched next May, "American Gun - A History of the U.S. in Ten Firearms."
 Kyle in January was sticking his name nationally while supporting teachers in the school armed action following a shooting at a school in Connecticut.

Well that's a glimpse of news about the International Sniper No 1 in America Killed in Suicide has webunic summarize for you all guys, you can also read about the China State Hackers Around the World in Posters and Places Relax Owned Luxury Real Madrid.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Nokia Lumia 1020 is a Windows Phone with a 41-megapixel camera

At a photography-focussed event in New York, Nokia has announced the Lumia 1020.
The Windows Phone-powered smartphone is all about taking pictures, and includes an updated version of the 41-megapixel sensor seen in 2012's Nokia 808 PureView, which captures photos up to 7,712 x 5,360 pixels in resolution, in either 3:2 or 16:9 aspect ratios.

 It's a megapixel count that seems several times greater than the likes of what Samsung and Apple are offering. But the intention is that the phone will output five-megapixels images for sharing with friends, in which each pixel in a JPEG combines the light captured by seven behind the lens. The result, Nokia promises, are significantly more detailed images.

 Nokia has incorporated six lens elements within the optics of the camera, which it claimed is the most in any cameraphone. In SLR systems, the greater the number of lens elements, the sharper the picture. It's a specification that makes a massive difference between cheap lenses and professional alternatives, and it's something that also helps ensure there's no loss of quality when zooming (although, unlike the Galaxy S4 Zoom, the Lumia 1020 doesn't have an optical zoom -- just very good digital zooming).

Don't miss: First collection of photos taken on the Lumia 1020
The Lumia 1020 will come equipped with Pro Camera, an app that offers full access to manual settings such as ISO, white balance, shutter speed, exposure and exposure compensation, as well as manual focus, which can be controlled using a ring overlaid onto the screen -- and it will provide these granular controls to developers to build into their apps. This could result in services like Instagram being able to directly manipulate the lens and sensor settings to produce better pictures.
 There's also a rear-facing Xenon flash for more realistic-looking artificial light in dark shooting conditions.

 Photography aside, the Lumia 1020 has a 4.5-inch Amoled display running at 1,280x768 pixels. It's powered by a 1.5GHz dual-core Snapdragon S4 processor backed by 2GB of RAM, and 32GB of storage (a 64GB version is rumoured to follow). There is also a wide-angle front-facing 1.2-megapixel camera. The phone has 4G LTE, a wireless charging option via a clip-on case, up to 13.3 hours of talktime over 3G and can capture video at up to 1080p anf 30fps. The 2,000mAh battery is not removable.

 While the Lumia 1020's CPU is not quite as hefty as the quad-core, or even octa-core chips inside some Android phones, Windows Phone software isn't as demanding on a phone's internal tech as its competitors, and it should therefore cope just fine with anything you throw at it -- for now

The polycarbonate phone will come in yellow, black and white. Nokia has of course also bundled its Music, Drive and Here maps applications. It's also included its own Instagram-esque editing software called Oggl Pro, which allows you to apply filters to your photos and then upload them directly to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

With such specifications behind the camera technology, Nokia appears to have set a new benchmark for smartphone photography. It comes at an opportune time: the US paper Chicago Sun-Times recently fired all of its professional photographers, instead opting to teach its journalists how to capture pictures with smartphones (iPhones for now). Nokia would do well to drop a box of Lumia 1020s on the Chicago Sun-Times building.

 Nokia introduced its first 41-megapixel camera last year when it unveiled the PureView 808 (we scored it seven-out-of-ten). While the camera tech was superb, the phone was rather disappointingly running a dying operating system: Symbian Belle. The camera performed well in low light, but viewing photos was unpleasant experience on the low-resolution display. Nokia priced the Pureview 808 as a high-end smartphone, but its poor specs failed to persuade consumers of its appeal.

The Nokia Lumia 1020 will launch first in the US on 26 July. It will launch in Europe shortly after that date, although a precise date was not confirmed. Nokia will also release a clip-on ergonomic grip with two-step shutter control, tripod attachment and a battery pack, which will cost an extra $79 (roughly £52, but expect that to end up higher on release).

Playstation targets next generation of developers in uni with PS4 dev kits

Sony has announced it's seeking "Expression of Interest" from universities hoping to get their hands on a PlayStation 4 dev kit.

The dev kits are being awarded as part of the Academic Development Programme, which is an academic licensing programme for universities and academic groups that want to use PlayStation development tools as part of further education.

 "The [desire for the programme] came out of staff members also being graduates and wanting to give back," Maria Stukoff, Head of Academic Game Development, told Wired.co.uk. "We know the next generation of talent and the future indie game developers are in education. It's of huge strategic importance for Sony Computer Entertainment to provide an environment where this talent can actually choose the PlayStation as a platform to get their skills and to create and innovate on."

Current offerings as part of the programme include PlayStation 3, PSP, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation Mobile and Move.me. According to the official announcement, institutions currently holding one of the Vita licences qualify for a follow-on license for PS4. "The PS Vita is the one we want to champion right now and we just got permission to move up as a natural progression to PS4," said Stukoff.

 "I think one of the really exciting parts is that the SDK [software development kit] of PlayStation Vita has a lot of similarities in the operating system and the way it works to PS4." The compatibility of the systems is part of what Stukoff refers to as the connected experience where companies with multiple devices seek to use them in order to offer multiple access points to the same piece of content or experience.

 There are two types of academic programme offered by Sony. One is the dev kit programme which has been taken up by over 70 universities in Europe and is all about learning skills. Some of the courses using the dev kit program also set up student-based companies meaning artists, animators and producers end up with experience of the development pipeline. Stukoff also says that Sony offers support services to the students.

 The second programme is PlayStation First -- a partnership programme where the company works with universities that integrate PlayStation technology far more deeply into their courses. "This means they teach from the second year onward on our platform just like any other design school might choose Macintosh as their preferred computer or have a programming course choose to be PC-based," said Stukoff. "We get involved to support either their own IP to be self-published -- so we provide feedback and mentoring -- or we also work with particular prototyping labs at universities that help develop ideas that come from our studios and are linked to our studios."

 The business benefits to Sony from this arrangement are clear and Stukoff doesn't shy away from the fact. "Through PlayStation First we're able to offer these universities access to PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 4 dev kits because they are going to be the next generation of indie developers.

 "Our priority with our academic programme is to enable that talent to start learning the pipeline, getting their IP published and in that process we may find the next team that will take us on the long journey in the same way that thatgamecompany was able to do." Thatgamecompany being the developers that made PlayStation's Journey.

 When asked what happens to these student projects, Stukoff reveals several are on the cusp of publication. "We are on the verge of having our first PlayStation Vita game published. It's more than that actually. One is on the verge of being published and we probably have another five that will come onto our PlayStation Network soon. They're our flagship IPs to show what's possible. What I'm excited about is this will be the first time we really support our student developers to come onto our platforms. Hopefully they will set the scene for the future and become our next generation of indie developers."

European director of Facebook heads to White Star Capital

Christian Hernandez, the UK and pan-European director of Facebook, has quit the company to join an early stage investment company called White Star Capital.

White Star Capital was set up in 2007 by angel investor Eric Martineau-Fortin to support his portfolio of investments, which include Dollar Shave Club and Betaworks. A year ago, Martineau-Fortin and Hernandez combined their portfolios under the White Star Capital umbrella. The VC firm focuses on early-stage technology companies, from seed rounds through to larger, later-stage investments. Some of White Star's exits include Summly, which was bought by Yahoo, and Ludia, which was bought by FreemantleMedia.

Hernandez's departure from Facebook heralds a commitment to dedicate himself full-time to the combined portfolio of more than 20 investments. The plan is to invest in a further 20 once they've raised a new $100 million (£66 million) fund. Both Martineau-Fortin and Hernandez will be managing partners.

 White Star Capital has also recruited two principals -- John Henderson and David Szekely -- to develop the company. Henderson worked with Hernandez at Facebook before joining Summly, while Szekely has worked with Martineau-Fortin on a number of venture deals.

 The VC firm says on its website that it's different because the team believes in "the rise of mobile, the acceleration of ecommerce and the power of the social web" (although you might be hard-pushed to find a tech VC say anything to the contrary). They will be looking at social and mobile gaming, subscription based ecommerce models and "affinity networks" across Europe and the US.

Hernandez explained in a public Facebook post: "Some 1,350 days ago, I walked into Facebook for what has been one of the most amazing rides of my professional career. I have been able to work with and learn from some of the most amazing minds in tech, and have loved working alongside companies seeking to innovate on top of the Facebook platform and see them scale globally.

"The timing, however, is now right to put my passion for entrepreneurship and working with early-stage startups to use in a new way."
Hernandez leaves Facebook in "a few weeks" to join White Star.